Tag: extensions

YRNO2 Joomla 2.5 beta module available

I’ve just finished the basics of the next version of the popular yrno joomla module.

YRNO2 is Joomla 2.5 specific and has a load of new features including:

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Translate K2store Product Attributes with Joomfish

If you have a K2store and your site is in multiple languages, you might have found that there was no way to translate your product attributes and their options.

Now there is……..

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K2 Store Quickicons Admin Module Released

I just made a quick module based on the K2 Quickicons admin module to add the quickicons from the K2store component to the Joomla dashboard.

After just building a site for a client with K2store, I thought the only reason they would want to go to the back-end of the site regularly (It is an online rental site and the products don’t change) would be to check on the orders if they ever lost any of the emails.

For that reason, I just adapted the K2 admin module to show the K2store icons and repackaged it.

You can download the module here

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Joomla Module to Display a Diaspora Share Button

I’ve just uploaded a joomla 1.5 module to display a share to diaspora button.

The module automatically takes the url of the page, the page title and the introtext and sends it to the users diaspora stream and shares it with their frineds.

I added a parameter to limit the number of chars sent, as I only use the readmore on blog posts and rarely add them to standard articles so posting a full article to your stream could be a bit too much.

Plugin and 1.7 version is on the way soon…

Demo here

Download here

xxxxxx – Update – xxxxxx

Joomla 1.6/1.7 module is ready

Download here

Joomla Custom Code Module, Plus Override Page Title & Meta Tags

I have just created the custom html plus module to be able to add text to a component view and override the page title, meta description and meta keywords. I also added the functionality to add extra css and general code to the head section.

Normally there is no option in a menu item to add a description. With this module and a simple template override you can add introtext, footer text or text anywhere in the component and override the page meta tags and title.

You can read the full description on the download page.


Joomla Estate Agency Xmap Plugin Updated

The xmap plugin for Joomla Estate Agency (JEA) has now been updated to stop duplicated properties with buying and selling menu items.

It can now be found on the JED {removed as it is 1.5 only}. Please give it a vote {try, I dare you} so it rises above the older module which produces the wrong urls!

Download avaliable here

yrno Module Updated for Joomla 1.6

Just a quick note to say that the yr.no module has just been updated to add joomla 1.6 configuration parameters.

I’m still testing it but there doesn’t seem to be any problems so far. Let me know if there are!

Updated Long Term Weather Module

The yr.no joomla weather module has now been updated to work with all UTF8 characters.

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Joomla Estate Agency Xmap Plugin Update

Joomla estate agency component has had the ability to use the title alias in the url since the last major update.

The currently available plugin for xmap still uses the old url structure which just uses the property id.

I noticed this when checking on a site made a couple of years ago which has been fully indexed with the old url structure.

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New Free AWeber Module for Joomla 1.5

Today I made a quick module for Joomla 1.5 to display a newsletter sign up box on your site. It connects with your AWeber account and signs up subscribers.

I looked around and found that a module was made for mambo but never updated. There was a plugin for $30 that also used the registration form, but all my client needed was a simple ‘name’, ’email’, ‘submit’ type box.

So I updated the module to use css rather than tables, closed a few tags and added a few options. The css is all updateable from the module parameters, rather than having to root through your site to edit files.

You can see the demo and download it for free here

And you can read more about AWebers services here