Remove Joomla! is Free Software Text from the Admin Area

To change or remove the "Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License." links from the joomla administration area we need to edit 3 files:




This file displays the branding on the main admin page.

Search for the lines:


<p class="copyright">
<a href="" target="_blank">Joomla!</a>
<?php echo  JText::_('ISFREESOFTWARE') ?>


Either delete these lines or change the link and text and delete the php line.


This file displays the branding on all other admin pages.

Again, search for the lines:


<p class="copyright">
<a href="" target="_blank">Joomla!</a>
<?php echo  JText::_('ISFREESOFTWARE') ?>


Modify or delete.


This file displays the branding on the login page, and is also where you can edit the "Joomla Administration" text.

Once again, search for the lines:


<p class="copyright">
<a href="" target="_blank">Joomla!</a>
<?php echo  JText::_('ISFREESOFTWARE') ?>


Modify or delete.

Then search for the line:


<h1><?php echo JText::_('Joomla Administration Login')  ?></h1>


Edit "Joomla Administration Login" to the name of your website, or whatever you would like to be displayed.

Save all the files and upload to your server.